An advert for anti-bullying site has been banned from the TV because some scenes are considered too offensive!
It’s only a short advert, the content isn’t really graphic (it shows, from behind, a girl sewing her mouth shut) certainly far less than the films and video games that our children have suposedly become desensitised to.
More importantly, the aim should be to shock, those responsible have to be made to realise the harm that they cause to their victims and the victims need to be aware that there is help available. It harks right back to the original charter for TV, that it should educate.
The advert is dedicated to Megan Gillan, a pretty 15 year old (by all accounts a bright pupil) who despite being bullied was further victimised by the school, who segregated her rather than dealing with the bullies that pushed her to desperately take her own life.
Compared to the despair Megan (and other victims like her) go through the video (you can see it below) is nothing.
If you want to speak out, text SPEAKOUT to 84459 and donate just £3 to Beatbullying.
The cost of your text to 84459 will be charged at £3.00 plus your standard network text charge. Service is available for UK mobiles only.