♫I’m Swimming in the Rain♫

on December 17, 2009 in Australia, Wot I Did on My Holidays

After two days of 40 degree heat, and warnings about local bush-fires, we had a downpour last night, and the rain has carried on into today.

It was still warm however, so since the rain couldn’t make us any wetter it was out into the pool to cool off.

Several people have told me that it’s snowing back home, but can’t say I’m missing it 😀

17 Responses to “♫I’m Swimming in the Rain♫”

  1. ‘Several people have told me that it’s snowing back home, but can’t say I’m missing it’

    Iain this website is fantastic. It’s highlighted just how deeply you hate the conditons in your own country. It’s littered with denigrating remarks about the place whilst the whole while eulogising about pseudosville. I love it.

    Just in case it’s escaped your notice, you are coming back here. So you have what, three weeks left in ‘your’ version of heaven? And a LIFE TIME in ‘your’ version of hell.

    Now that’s funny.

    Love ya loads.

  2. Taliesin71 says:

    As a nation we spend an inordinate amount of time complaining about the weather, too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, personally, I like the snow for the brief moment that it is crisp and accentuates the scenery, what I don’t like is the weeks of mucky slush and treacherous ice that follow it.

    Considering that in your ideal chronological eutopia you’d still be able to scate across the Thames at christmss, I don’t think you have any room to talk.

  3. Considering that in your ideal chronological eutopia you’d still be able to scate across the Thames at christmss, I don’t think you have any room to talk.

    What the hell are you blathering about? Putting big words together iain is all well and good but when they groundless it all looks rather lame. About right for you. Grow up.

  4. Taliesin71 says:

    I see you’ve finally emerged from hybernation, Carroll.

    Just pointing out that your perfect England actually disapeared at least 100 years before you were born (you seem generally unsure as to which age you wish to emulate)

    You seem blissfully unaware that realistically your place in that age would be dying of an infected bunghole in the workhouse.

  5. Ahh Monks great to hear from as ever. I’ll just address the anal points you make if you don’t mind.

    ‘I see you’ve finally emerged from hybernation, Carroll.’

    No Iain, that’s called being too busy with real things like enjoying a good old family Christmas. I know you prefer all things virtual as is evidenced by the fact that you’ve spent half your holiday on this site. Need I say more? Well you know what, I will say more.

    ‘Just pointing out that your perfect England actually disapeared at least 100 years before you were born’

    Like I’ve already said ‘groundless’. What has being content with MY OWN country got to do with that statement you’ve just made up? Having an appreciation for MY OWN history and culture constitutes an appreciation. But lets pretend that was the case. It would still be streets ahead of lets say someone spending all their time (not to mention cash and holidays) pining for someone else’s country – just as a random example you understand.

    (you seem generally unsure as to which age you wish to emulate) – Just so I’ve got this right Iain, do you mean me? Or the morris dancing viking who has spent the last 3 weeks dressed as Crocodile Dundee while playing at being a hells angel?

    You seem blissfully unaware that realistically your place in that age would be dying of an infected bunghole in the workhouse. No Iain, I actually think that is still very much on the cards.

    Love ya loads.

  6. Oh yeah Iain, nearly forgot.

    UP YOURS MONKS!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Taliesin71 says:

    Carroll, your neo-luddite ways are so nineteenth-century, join the modern world some time.

    As for being so content with your own country, you couldn’t even make an honenst woman of Michelle in our green and pleasant land, you had to run off to another country.

  8. Carroll, your neo-luddite ways are so nineteenth-century – music to my ears Iain.

    As for being so content with your own country, you couldn’t even make an honenst woman of Michelle in our green and pleasant land, you had to run off to another country.

    Your retorts are getting lamer Iain. See, that Aussie lifestyles no good for you. At least in England you give me a run for my money but over there – weak.

    So going on holiday to get married equates to disliking your own country. Riiiight.Genius.

    Had I gone to Turkey and dressed like a clichéd parody of a Turk whilst pretending to be a Turk. And whilst there bleeted on about how much better Turkey is than England (not to mention bleeting on for 12 months after) then your point may just have some relevance. As I did none of those things then unfortunately yet again your point has no relevance.

    Oh and by the way did you actually have the nerve to say OUR GREEN AND PLEASANT LAND after all your England bashing?

  9. Taliesin71 says:

    Instead if you had your way you’d dress like a clichéd parody of an English fop.

    My only nod towards Australian dress is to wear a hat (I suppose I could have chosen a Panama (English??) but that isn’t realy my style, and I also choose not to wear socks when I’m wearing sandals (hey does that make “Cough-Cough” more English than you are)

  10. Instead if you had your way you’d dress like a clichéd parody of an English fop.

    Here we go again. I talk about what are DOING or have DONE and you have to make things up about what you assume I may do. The fact is, practically all of the waffle you’ve spouted has been made up. One of us deals with facts the other has to tesort to fantasy.

  11. Taliesin71 says:

    Of course you’re right, I just extrapolated that image from the endless bleatings as you search the Internet for such things as smoking jackets, pipes, monacles etc. When in fact it is all fantasy on your part as you’d never actually follow up on any of these things and wear them outside for feat of getting the shit kicked out of you by the first (non existant) scrote that passes.

    You talk about what I’ve done, I have to talk about what you wish you could do if you had the balls.

    As ever Carroll, you’re all talk and no (Harris tweed) trousers.

  12. Right Bruce, now you’ve finished you’re hissy fit. YOU COME TO WORK DRESSED AS A TREE. End of conversation.

  13. Taliesin71 says:

    Exactly, I do something, you bleat on

    The real end of the conversation!

  14. Exactly, I do something??????? What kind of a lame retort is that? Good God, this is like talking to Darren.

    I bleat on? When I have to set up a website to bore the world with everything that’s happening to me THEN you can accuse me of bleating on Bruce.

    Pah n’ piffle Monks, pah n’ piffle.

    Oh nearly forgot happy new year.

  15. Exactly, I do something??????? What kind of a lame retort is that? Good God, this is like talking to Darren.

    I bleat on? When I have to set up a website to bore the world with everything that’s happening to me THEN you can accuse me of bleating on Bruce.

    Pah n’ piffle Monks, pah n’ piffle.

    Oh nearly forgot happy new year.

  16. Taliesin71 says:

    Carroll, please see the disclaimer on the front page, this site is purely for my own amusement, I’ve taken no action to advertise it other than to mention it in passing to a few friends. (I could put in the effort to get it ranked on Google etc. but frankly I don’t see the point)

    Should people happen across this site, read it and pass comment, it is entirely up to them.

  17. About time Monks. See that’s better, this is the kind of clever retort I’m used to from you. I’m banged to rights. No, evidently I didn’t read the disclaimer. I’ll shut up.

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