British Waterways is appealing to members of the public to report sightings of Kingfishers on our rivers and canals, feaing that their numbers have been devastated by this year’s cold snap.
No doubt, the cold weather has been detrimental to a number of species of wildlife, but then no doubt these species had similar problems in the regular cold winters we used to get 20-30 years ago before all this global warming hysteria took a hold. These are animals that also survived the Little Ice Age a much colder period in recent(ish) history.
They survived then, and in all honesty are more likely to survive now as the human race is more interested in avoiding and repairing the damage to the environment that has come about since the Industrial Revolution. With the human race doing less damage, the flora and fauna will rebound in the warmer years (which should become more common due to global warming)
Of course if you believe the cause of global warming to be the lack of Toyota Priuses on the road then cut down your carbon footprint, but spare a thought for the poor kingfisher subjected to even colder winters and gradual extinction.
The choice is yours.